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Vintage Lunch Boxes: the 1950's

Vintage Lunch Boxes: the 1950's

If you are of a “certain age” you will remember the metal lunch box. That tin box that held our PBJ and thermos with warm milk. But the origin of those staples of our elementary school lunches, adorned with our favorite TV or movie characters, goes way back to the fifties. A time where the heroes wore cowboy hats or rode in spaceships.

In the fifties you took a plain metal lunch box to work. The problem for a company like “Aladdin” was that your sturdy blue lunch box was functional and very durable, That means there was no reason to buy a new one. Heck this box would last forever. So that’s when they came up with this brilliant marketing idea: “Let’s put a Hopalong Cassidy sticker on it.” The biggest star of the day. Every kid would want one. So then came Spaceman Tom Colbert and so forth. You see where this was going. No longer did you have a lunch box that would last forever. You now had a lunch box that needed to be changed every year.

So here are some of the coolest boxes from the 1950’s. Enjoy!

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